Simple ProcessingJS-like canvas editor
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<script src=""></script>
Hello World
All Shapes
Keplr is rendered on a canvas. Set width and height using the parameters below.
<canvas class="keplr-canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
Add the keplr.min.js file to your page.
<script src=""></script>
The rest will be added in a <script>
// Code Goes Here
//Create a new "Keplr" canvas ( ".keplr-canvas" is a query selector for our canvas element.)
let canvas = new Keplr(".keplr-canvas");
// Create a new "Keplr" canvas ( ".keplr-canvas" is a query selector for our canvas element.)
let canvas = new Keplr(".keplr-canvas");
// .setup - Called on load.
canvas.setup = function() {
// .log(text) - Log to the console - See Console logs with CTRL + SHIFT + I and click Console
canvas.log("Hi Console!");
var x = 100, y=75;
var directionX = 3, directionY = 3;
// .draw - Called every frame, used for animation
canvas.draw = function() {
// .background(color) - Wipes the canvas clean with the color
// .fill(color) - Fills future shapes with the color
canvas.fill("#FF0000"); // Hex Color Code for Red
// .stroke(color) - Fills future shapes' outline with the color
canvas.stroke("#BB0000"); //Hex Color Code for Dark Red
// .circle(x, y, s) - Draws a circle at Coordinates x and y, with size s., 50, 25);
// .rgb(r, g, b) - Creates a color in the format RGB.
var blue = canvas.rgb(0, 128, 255);
var darkblue = canvas.rgb(0, 100, 200);
// .rect(x, y, w, h) - Draws a rectangle at Coordinates x and y, with width w and height h.
canvas.rect(50, 50, 25, 25);
// .hsl(H, S, L) - Creates a color in the format HSL. S and L are percentages.
var yellow = canvas.hsl(59,82,50);
// .hsv(H, S, V) OR .hsb(H, S, B) - Creates a color in the format HSV / HSB. S and V/B are percentages.
var darkyellow = canvas.hsv(59, 91, 55) || canvas.hsb(59, 91, 55);
// .triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) - Draws a triangle with each point at coordinates (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (x3, y3).
canvas.triangle(75, 62.5, 85.825,81.25, 64.175, 81.25);
// .font(font, size) - Changes future texts with the font and size
canvas.font("Arial", 20);
// .text(text, x, y) - Draws Text.
canvas.text("Hello World!", 280, 50);
//Create a ball that bounced on the edges of the canvas
x += directionX;
y += directionY;
if(x >= canvas.width - 25){ // .width - Gets width of canvas
directionX = -3;
}else if(x <= 25){
directionX = 3;
if(y > canvas.height - 25){ // .height - Gets height of canvas
directionY = -3;
}else if(y < 25){
directionY = 3;
canvas.fill("green");, y, 25);
Properties |
Type |
Description |
element |
HTMLCanvasElement |
The element the library is working on. |
ctx |
HTMLCanvasContext2D |
The canvas context for the element above. |
noop |
Function |
No operation, eg function() {} or ()=>{} |
setup |
Function |
The setup code. Runs when the document loads. |
draw |
Function |
The drawing code. Runs every frame for animation. |
tk |
Number |
Short for ticker. “Ticks” up every time .draw is called. |
tab |
String |
The “tab” character in a string. Some file editors replace tabs with spaces. |
toggleAnimate |
Boolean |
Whether or not to start drawing when the document loads or when .animate() is called. |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
log(str) |
String |
Logs to the console. |
warn(str) |
String |
Puts a warning in the console. |
error(str) |
String |
Puts an error in the console. |
animate() |
Starts drawing frames for animation. |
Properties |
Type |
Description |
Number |
Euler’s number. |
PI |
Number |
Pi (3.14). |
Number |
Tau (6.28). Equivalent to 2 * PI |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
round(n) |
Number |
Number |
Rounds give number. |
power(n,power) |
Number, Number |
Number |
Set n to a power of power . |
sqrt(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the square root of given number. |
abs(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the absolute value of a given number. |
ceil(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the number rounded up |
floor(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the number rounded down |
min(a,b,c, ...) |
Number, Number(optional), Number(optional) … |
Number |
Returns the smallest number |
max(a,b,c, ...) |
Number, Number(optional), Number(optional) … |
Number |
Returns the biggest number |
squ(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the given number squared. |
random(m) |
Number |
Number |
Returns a random number from 0 to m |
randInt(m) |
Number |
Number |
Returns a random Integer from 0 to m |
dist(x1,y1,x2,y2) |
Number x4 |
Number |
Returns the 2-dimensional length from coordinate 1 to 2 |
mag(x,y) |
Number, Number |
Number |
Returns the 2-dimensional length from (0,0) to give coordinate |
norm(num,low,high) |
Number, Number, Number |
Number |
Normalizes a number from another range into a value between 0 and 1. |
map(num, low1, high1, low2, high2) |
Number x5 |
Number |
Re-maps a number from one range to another. |
lerp(low,high,amount) |
Number, Number, Number |
Number |
Calculates a number between two numbers at a specific increment. |
Properties |
Type |
Description |
angleMode |
String |
The anglemode. Either degrees ( “DEG” ) or radians ( “RAD” ) |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
angleModeIsDeg() |
Boolean |
Returns if the angle mode is Degrees. |
deg(n) |
Number |
Number |
Converts n from radians to degrees. |
rad(n) |
Number |
Number |
Converts n from degrees to radians. |
sin(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the sine of n . |
cos(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the cosine of n . |
tan(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the tangent of n . |
asin(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the arc sine of n . |
acos(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the arc cosine of n . |
atan(n) |
Number |
Number |
Returns the arc tangent of n . |
atan2(x,y) |
Number |
Number |
Calculates the angle a coordinate is to the origin. NOTE: X, then Y. |
Properties |
Type |
Description |
rotateAngle |
System purposes. The angle future shapes are rotated to. |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
translate(x,y) |
Number, Number |
Translates the canvas, moving the origin by (x ,y) . |
scale(x,y) |
Number, Number |
Scales the canvas along x and y scaling factors |
rotate(amount) |
Number |
Rotates just the next shape by amount . |
rotateAll(amount) |
Number |
Rotates the canvas around the origin by amount . |
Properties |
Type |
Description |
fillStyle |
String |
The fill style used in filling future elements. (Use fill() to change) |
strokeStyle |
String |
The stroke style used in coloring the outlines in future elements. (Use stroke() to change) |
lineWidth |
Number |
The width of the outlines in future elements (Use strokeWidth() or lineWidth() to change) |
width |
Number |
The width of the canvas element |
height |
Number |
The height of the canvas element |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
rect(x,y,w,h) |
Number x4 |
Draws a rectangle on the canvas with the top left being at (x,y) stretching to (w,h) |
circle(x,y,s) |
Number x3 |
Draws a circle on the canvas with the middle being at (x,y) and diameter as s . |
ellipse(x,y,w,h) |
Number x4 |
Draws an ellipse on the canvas with the middle being at (x,y) , diameter x as w , and diameter y as h . |
line(x1,y1,x2,y2) |
Number x4 |
Draws a line on the canvas with the starting coordinate as (x1,y1) and ending coordinate as (x2,y2) . |
triangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) |
Number x6 |
Draws a triangle on the canvas at coordinates. |
quad(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) |
Number x8 |
Draws a quadrilateral on the canvas at coordinates. |
point(x,y) |
Number, Number |
Draws a point on the canvas at coordinate (x,y) . |
bezier(x1,y1,cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2,x2,y2) |
Number x8 |
Draws a bezier starting at (x1,y1) ending at (x2,y2) with control points (cx1,cy1), (cx2,cy2) . |
quadBezier(x1,y1,cx,cy,x2,y2) |
Number x6 |
Draws a quadratic bezier starting at (x1,y1) ending at (x2,y2) with a control point (cx,cy) . |
path(d) |
String |
Draws a path using SVG Path Notation. |
background(col) |
String |
Wipes the canvas clean with the color col . |
fill(col) |
String |
Fills future shapes with color col . |
noFill() |
String |
Future shapes will have a transparent fill area. |
stroke(col) |
String |
Fills future shape outlines with color col . |
noStroke(col) |
String |
Future shapes will not have an outline. |
strokeWidth(n) OR strokeWeight(n) OR lineWidth(n) |
Number |
Future shapes will have a outline with width n . |
strokeJoin(mode) OR lineJoin(mode) |
String |
Changes the mode on how lines look bent. mode can be “bevel”, “round”, or “miter”. Defaults to “round”. |
Properties |
Type |
Description |
images |
Object |
An object filled with the loaded images |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
loadImage(name, src) |
String, String |
Used in setup. Loads an image into .images with the nickname name . |
image(name, x,y) |
String, Number, Number |
Draws an the name of the image on screen at given coordinates |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
linearGradient(x1,y1,x2,y2,colors) |
Number x4, Array of Arrays |
Creates a linear gradient in [CanvasGradient]) form moving from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) . Colors are in arrays next to their position. eg. linearGradient(0,0,100,100,[ [0, "red"], [0.5, "yellow"], [1, "blue"] ]) . |
radialGradient(x,y,r0,r1,colors) |
Number x4, Array of Arrays |
Creates a radial gradient in CanvasGradient form at coordinate (x,y) with a starting radius r0 and ending radius r1 . Colors are in arrays next to their position. eg. linearGradient(0,0,100,100,[ [0, "red"], [0.5, "yellow"], [1, "blue"] ]) . |
rgb(r,g,b) |
Number x3 |
String |
Makes a color in RGB form. r , g , and b are out of 255. |
rgba(r,g,b,a) |
Number x4 |
String |
Makes a color in RGBA form. r , g , b , and a are out of 255. |
hsl(h,s,l) |
Number x3 |
String |
Makes a color in HSL form. h is out of 360. s and l are out of 100. |
hsla(h,s,l,a) |
Number x4 |
String |
Makes a color in HSLA form. h is out of 360. s and l are out of 100. a is out of 1. |
hsv(h,s,v) OR hsb(h,s,b) |
Number x3 |
String |
Makes a color in HSV / HSB form. h is out of 360. s and v or b are out of 100. |
hsva(h,s,v) OR hsba(h,s,b) |
Number x4 |
String |
Makes a color in HSVA / HSBA form. h is out of 360. s and v or b are out of 100. a is out of 1. |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
font(font,size) |
String, Number |
Sets the font for future text elements. |
textAlign(align) |
String |
Sets the alignment for future text elements. Options: “start”, “end”, “left”, “center”, “right”, |
text(str,x,y) |
String, Number, Number |
Draws Text on the canvas. |
textWidth(str) |
String |
Number |
Returns the width of measured text by string. |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
day() |
Number |
Returns the date. |
month() |
Number |
Returns the month |
year() |
Number |
Returns the year |
hour() |
Number |
Returns the hour |
minute() |
Number |
Returns the minutes (out of 60) |
second() |
Number |
Returns the seconds |
millis() |
Number |
Returns the amount of milliseconds |
Properties |
Types |
Description |
keyPressed |
Function |
Called when a key is pressed |
keyTyped |
Function |
Called when a key is typed |
keyReleased |
Function |
Called when a key is released |
Properties |
Types |
Description |
mouseClicked |
Function |
Called when the mouse is clicked. |
mousePressed |
Function |
Called when the mouse is pressed. |
mouseReleased |
Function |
Called when the mouse is released. |
mouseMoved |
Function |
Called when the mouse is moved. |
mouseOver |
Function |
Called when the mouse is over the canvas. |
mouseOut |
Function |
Called when the mouse is out of the canvas. |
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
embed(embed) |
String |
Draws a Keplr Embed |
Keplr Embed Examples
| Keplr Embed | JS Equivalent |
| — | — |
| <rect 0,0,100,100>
| rect(0,0,100,100); |
| <rect 0,0,100,100 fill="#FF0000">
| fill(“#FF0000”); rect(0,0,100,100); |
| <image "dog",100,100>
| image(“dog”,100,100);
| <text "Hello World!",100,100 font="Arial",20 fill="blue">
| fill(“blue”); font(“Arial”,20); text(“Hello World!”,100,100);
Array Methods
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
equals(array) |
Array |
Boolean |
Returns if this array equals array |
last(i) |
Number |
Mixed |
Returns the i th to last index (If blank, returns the last index) |
swap(a,b) |
Number |
Swaps the value at index a with index b . |
String Methods
Methods |
Types |
returns |
Description |
last(i) |
Number |
Mixed |
Returns the i th to last character (If blank, returns the last character) |
replaceAll(a,b) |
String, String |
Replaces All parts of a with b . |
Feel free to make pull requests!